About us
da startup a brevetto
EVOPOST is able to offer its customers advanced mailboxes for receiving mail, parcels or exchanges of goods, covered by its own international patents granted in use, to provide dedicated assistance services, to speed up any problems of its customers.
The company has taken up the important challenge of the "Evopost Project", launched in 2015 by an Italian individual artisan company, always having, as owner, Mr. ARESU DANIELE. The search for funds to support the projects, already from the early start-up phases, did not obtain good results, therefore the owner found himself supporting the project, both economically and technically, relying exclusively on his own resources, from the early stages to today. Starting from the simple idea, we moved on to scrupulous market research to identify the clientele target, any competitors, and the potential of the product on the international market.
Then followed the development of Cad projects, the research and selection of the best Italian and foreign collaborators and suppliers, the production of the first samples, numerous phases of component and product testing, product launch on the Italian market, the production of the first samples, numerous phases of component and product testing, product launch on the Italian market, Marketing and Social campaigns, launch of the product on the Amazon Panaeuropa portal, and continuous customer support. In all the aforementioned phases, the owner, Aresu Daniele, has shown excellent ability to continuously interface with various realities, Italian and foreign, in a timely and profitable manner, through the use of various dedicated tools and platforms.

Daniele Aresu
Technical expert on thermal machines. Experience in energy requalification applied to civil construction.
EVOPOST's vision is to carry on what has been built to date from previous work experiences, exporting its devices to world markets. Prevediamo interessanti scenari di apertura sui mercati globali virtuali e fisici, incentivate dall’immissione di un dispositivo totalmente nuovo, privo di concorrenti e totalmente in linea con scenario e richieste dell’attuale mercato dell'e-shopper. Un miglioramento della percezione della nostra innovativa realtà aziendale, che mette sempre al primo posto la Qualità di un prodotto orgogliosamente disegnato, realizzato e brevettato in Italia successivamente esteso in Europa ed Usa.
La nostra mission
Cambia il modo in cui pacchi e corrispondenza vengono ricevuti o restituiti, lavorando attentamente sull'evoluzione della classica cassetta postale che, di fatto è,ad oggi, uno degli oggetti comuni a tutte le abitazioni del mondo.